Christmas Eve Soup and Chili Supper / Candlelight Service
Christmas Eve is a sacred day. It is truly a blessing to share it with your friends and neighbors in church. Both the Soup and Chili Supper was well attended this year. To kick off the evening, everyone enjoyed a variety of wonderful soups. The candlelight service was a reader's theater presentation of the full Christmas story read in one sitting. There were many breaks in the reading to sing and enjoy the singing of others. It was a great way to celebrate the coming of Christ! Below are just a few pictures. Enjoy!
Christmas at the Manse 2014
This year, the church manse (parsonage) was on the Historical Society's Christmas Tour of Homes. The Pastor and his wife also hosted an open house for the congregation, as well as gatherings of both the Deacons and Elders. There was much warm fellowship and beauty to celebrate the coming of the Christ!