The Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women's News:
Christmas Wrapping Party
If you would have looked into the room where the PW meeting was held last Sunday after church, you would have thought you were in Santa's workshop. Fifteen ladies surrounded the four tables that were covered with gifts. They were busy visiting and wrapping the gifts. When our elf, Jack Armant, delivered the pizzas, the focus immediately turned to eating pizza, sandwiches, and salad that Millie arranged for us. When the gifts were all wrapped and labeled they were stored for delivery. We are thankful to Lydia and Kristy for doing the shopping and we praise God for the wonderful Christian fellowship.
Report on PW Spring Gathering at Meadville Presbyterian Church
April 22, 2017
The annual Spring Gathering of the Presbyterian Women of Lake Erie Presbytery was held at Meadville Presbyterian Church on Saturday, April 22, 2017. Virginia, moderator of our church
PW organization, attended the meeting and enjoyed the company of women from the other churches.
The program, “Who is my Neighbor?”, was presented by Rev. Tim Solomon, a resident of Meadville who has extensive education and teaching experience teaching shared with us how the Muslim faith is relevant to women. Rev. Joel DiAingi, a pastor in Greensburg and excellent pianist, played some beautiful Christian music. A luncheon followed the meeting. The national meeting will be held in Louisville, TN.
April 22, 2017
The annual Spring Gathering of the Presbyterian Women of Lake Erie Presbytery was held at Meadville Presbyterian Church on Saturday, April 22, 2017. Virginia, moderator of our church
PW organization, attended the meeting and enjoyed the company of women from the other churches.
The program, “Who is my Neighbor?”, was presented by Rev. Tim Solomon, a resident of Meadville who has extensive education and teaching experience teaching shared with us how the Muslim faith is relevant to women. Rev. Joel DiAingi, a pastor in Greensburg and excellent pianist, played some beautiful Christian music. A luncheon followed the meeting. The national meeting will be held in Louisville, TN.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa's Helpers in this congregation were really busy buying and creating handmade items for our Mitten Tree this year. Each one of the 80 plus hats, mittens, scarves, socks, and small blankets was lifted off the branches with love and delivered to Community Services to be given to families for Christmas. |
Presbyterian Women gathered after church December 11 for their December meeting. Chris Luxbacher joined us for a light lunch that was served from a table decked out with holiday decorations. We had the fun of wrapping the gifts for the two boys we selected for our Christmas family. Note: Our organization is thankful to the congregation for joining in our yearly Thank Offering collection which totaled $256.00.
The next PW meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 11, in the Gathering Room, at 1:30 p.m. A daughter of our church, Erin Holden, and her husband, are missionaries in Turkey will join us at this meeting to help us become knowledgeable about their work for the church. The offering to be collected will be our pledges.
The annual PW Fall Gathering will be held at the Wayside Presbyterian Church in Erie on Saturday, October 15, 2016. Anyone who is able to attend please contact Virginia Edmiston for registration information.
The annual PW Fall Gathering will be held at the Wayside Presbyterian Church in Erie on Saturday, October 15, 2016. Anyone who is able to attend please contact Virginia Edmiston for registration information.
Gas Card Update
Ariel Thompson and Becky Vogan are staff members for Root International Organization. Martha V. and Virginia E. are members of Presbyterian Women’s Organization and the First Presbyterian Church in Franklin, PA. On July 11, 2016, they received a tour of the facility in Mercer, PA. and delivered a check for $385.00 to purchase gas to deliver donations of food, clothing, furniture, tools, educational supplies, etc. to charities in the U.S. and Mexico.
REMEMBER THE GAS CARD PROJECT?? Recently our Presbyterian Women's organization invited the congregation to participate in a mission project with us. During the month of May there were envelopes in the pews for you to contribute money or gas cards from KwikFill gas stations to help the charity, Root International, to collect and distribute household items and clothing to organizations across the United States. Martha V. and Virginia E., visited their facility in Mercer and delivered the gift of $385 from our church. Thank you to those who contributed to the work of this organization.
May 2016
April 2016
Spring Fling
January 2016
Free Wheelchair Mission - 2014-2015 Synod of the Trinity Mission Project
In May the mission project for 2014-2015 was completed. Free Wheelchair Mission was able to complete each wheelchair for $77.91. The wheelchairs have been taken to 91 countries. For those of you who have viewed the DVD you know those chairs provide the gift of dignity, independence and hope. I am proud to announce that the ladies of the Synod of the Trinity presented a check to the Free Wheelchair Mission at the CT meeting at Antiochian Village on September 14 in the amount of $38,703.61 which equals 496+ wheelchairs. Well Done!
In May the mission project for 2014-2015 was completed. Free Wheelchair Mission was able to complete each wheelchair for $77.91. The wheelchairs have been taken to 91 countries. For those of you who have viewed the DVD you know those chairs provide the gift of dignity, independence and hope. I am proud to announce that the ladies of the Synod of the Trinity presented a check to the Free Wheelchair Mission at the CT meeting at Antiochian Village on September 14 in the amount of $38,703.61 which equals 496+ wheelchairs. Well Done!
December 2015
Our Presbyterian Women
November News
The Presbyterian Women's annual Thank Offering envelopes were collected and contained a total of $336.00 These gifts will be used to help God's children in our country and overseas. Thank you.
Following long-time tradition, Presbyterian Women invite one and all to the Thanksgiving meal on Thank Offering Sunday, November 22 in Westminster Hall following worship. Presbyterian Women will provide turkey, stuffing balls, mashed potatoes and gravy. Each family please bring traditional vegetables, salad or dessert to enjoy.
October Gathering
PW News! Good News! Our next meeting date is Tuesday, October 13, 2015, in the Meeting Room at 7 p.m. Ladies, please don't make plans to be somewhere else because you don't want to miss this program presented by Rachel Weller describing her mission work in Ethiopia.
September Gathering
Presbyterian Women will begin their new year on Saturday, September 12 with a luncheon at Kings Restaurant at 11:30 a.m. Our guest will be Rachel W., daughter of Martha V. who will be home on leave from Ethiopia. You are encouraged to bring a friend. Mission pledges will be received. In addition, please save and bring your pennies, for the once a year, Least Coin offering.
Mother-Daughter-Friend Luncheon
It was funny. It was informative. The luncheon allowed women of all ages to gather for food and fellowship. Cynda Sites shared some of what she knows about fashion in the old days. Boy was that an eye opener! It is really hard to complain about life in the modern world when we consider how hard it was for women during the civil war days. Even getting dressed was a major mountain to climb! Enjoy the pictures, and we'll see you at next year's luncheon.
April News
Thank you Presbyterian Women for putting together one hundred bags delivered Oakwood Heights/Presbyterian Homes and Sugar Creek Station. The gift bags contained 8 oz bottle of lotion, finger nail file, comb, tissues, potpourri sachet, lip balm and a bookmark, The homemade cards were made by our youth.
Attention Presbyterian Women
Please accept this thank you for the beautiful vase of flowers. I am doing well and am really being taken care of.
Thank you again.
Pauline L.
Please accept this thank you for the beautiful vase of flowers. I am doing well and am really being taken care of.
Thank you again.
Pauline L.
March News
Free Wheelchair - March Collection – Free Wheelchair Mission is a humanitarian, faith-based organization in service to "provide the transforming gift of mobility to the impoverished disabled in developing countries as motivated by Jesus Christ." Each wheelchair is $77.91 to manufacture and deliver. There are specially marked envelopes in the pew racks. Please prayerfully consider making a contribution of any amount. Please make your checks payable to First Presbyterian Church, write "Free Wheelchair Mission" on the memo line, and may to the church office.
PW thanks all who contributed to the Free Wheelchair Mission project. Enough money was received to purchase 5+ wheelchairs.
PW thanks all who contributed to the Free Wheelchair Mission project. Enough money was received to purchase 5+ wheelchairs.
Attention Women:
With all the storms and snow of this winter, hopefully soon behind us, it is now time to return to our monthly gatherings! On Saturday, March 14 we will gather at noon in the parlor for the Leaf and Ladle Luncheon. Bonnie and Virginia will be the "Souper Ladies" with others bringing a salad to share and their own table service. Devotions will be led by Rainy. Lydia will have a special project for us to work on. So be sure to be there to enjoy warm soup and togetherness as Presbyterian Women catch up with each other following the winter break in our schedules.
With all the storms and snow of this winter, hopefully soon behind us, it is now time to return to our monthly gatherings! On Saturday, March 14 we will gather at noon in the parlor for the Leaf and Ladle Luncheon. Bonnie and Virginia will be the "Souper Ladies" with others bringing a salad to share and their own table service. Devotions will be led by Rainy. Lydia will have a special project for us to work on. So be sure to be there to enjoy warm soup and togetherness as Presbyterian Women catch up with each other following the winter break in our schedules.
February News
Already it is February 2015 – time to think of Love and Valentines and our Friends at the
Presbyterian home in Oil City, now known as Oakwood Heights. Our gifts enable staff at the home to purchase a variety of items that will make life for the residents more enjoyable. Please make your checks out to the First Presbyterian church, write PW on the memo line, and place it in the envelopes found in the pews labeled Presbyterian Home.
We thank you so much for your gesture most kind.
If you visit The Home, on folk’s faces you’ll find
Looks of happiness, contentment, and joy are all there,
How good you will feel that your bounty you did share. By Cindy Bracken
We thank you so much for your gesture most kind.
If you visit The Home, on folk’s faces you’ll find
Looks of happiness, contentment, and joy are all there,
How good you will feel that your bounty you did share. By Cindy Bracken
Presbyterian Women Association has received $220.00 for the annual Thank Offering. This will be sent to Presbyterian Women in the PC(USA) Thank you to all who contributed.
December News
At 3 p.m. on Sunday, December 7, Presbyterian Women will gather in the parlor to wrap gifts for our Christmas family. Martha Vandevort will present special devotions and Tina Kaye and the youth will present a special program. There will be holiday treats to enjoy. Do plan to be present for this holiday event -- gift wrapping, special program, and holiday "goodies."
The next gathering will be in March of 2015 so do enjoy a cozy January and February!
At 3 p.m. on Sunday, December 7, Presbyterian Women will gather in the parlor to wrap gifts for our Christmas family. Martha Vandevort will present special devotions and Tina Kaye and the youth will present a special program. There will be holiday treats to enjoy. Do plan to be present for this holiday event -- gift wrapping, special program, and holiday "goodies."
The next gathering will be in March of 2015 so do enjoy a cozy January and February!
November News
November is Thank Offering Sunday. Envelopes for giving will be found in the pews all month.
Presbyterian Women will gather in the parlor at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 11. Devotions will be led by Millie. Lydia and Nancy will serve as hostesses. A program 'Haiti' will be presented by Jim P. Do plan to attend and bring a friend.
November is Thank Offering Sunday. Envelopes for giving will be found in the pews all month.
Presbyterian Women will gather in the parlor at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 11. Devotions will be led by Millie. Lydia and Nancy will serve as hostesses. A program 'Haiti' will be presented by Jim P. Do plan to attend and bring a friend.
October 2014

Presbyterian Women would like to thank all that contributed to the Flip Flop Initiative for Root International. 69 pairs were gathered and will be sent promptly where they will be well used. Thank you so much for your contribution.
Presbyterian Women will gather in the parlor at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, October 21. J. B. will lead devotions and there will be a business meeting. B. J. and C. B. will serve as hostesses. All women are welcome to attend.
PWP Lake Erie Fall Gathering
Women of Lake Erie Presbytery will gather at Second Presbyterian Church of Oil City from 9 to 1 on Saturday, October 18. Those who attend are requested to take heavy paper towels, toilet paper, dish soap, or dish towels. These items are needed for the Open Door Café where folks can gather and for only a nominal fee can enjoy soup, coffee, and conversation where relations are begun with God and His message. This has been a very successful venture and continues to grow.
September 2014
Presbyterian Women gather at Linda Lou’s Restaurant at 9:30 on Saturday, September 13. Women do plan to attend along with a friend to enjoy being together with other women. Age is no matter - we are all women together - learning, doing projects, and enjoying the 'womanship'.
Do plan to attend gatherings according to interests and schedules, all ages welcome. Let's continue to keep PW alive and well! Attend and receive your copy of the new 2014-2015 program book.
Remember - Flip - Flop - Last - Chance!
Presbyterian Women gather at Linda Lou’s Restaurant at 9:30 on Saturday, September 13. Women do plan to attend along with a friend to enjoy being together with other women. Age is no matter - we are all women together - learning, doing projects, and enjoying the 'womanship'.
Do plan to attend gatherings according to interests and schedules, all ages welcome. Let's continue to keep PW alive and well! Attend and receive your copy of the new 2014-2015 program book.
Remember - Flip - Flop - Last - Chance!
August 2014
Presbyterian Women collected flip flops…lots of them…for ROOT International Mission. We got over 70 pairs! Thanks for helping everyone!
ROOT International works to meet the needs of smaller, lesser-known organizations, helping them in the areas of benevolence, (food, clothing, household items), education, (school supplies, computers, Christian material), and information (networking between entities, providing contact numbers and information to aid their organization). Like a ROOT nourishes a plant, we reach out to nourish and support churches, ministries, and other entities.
ROOT International works to meet the needs of smaller, lesser-known organizations, helping them in the areas of benevolence, (food, clothing, household items), education, (school supplies, computers, Christian material), and information (networking between entities, providing contact numbers and information to aid their organization). Like a ROOT nourishes a plant, we reach out to nourish and support churches, ministries, and other entities.
July 2014
Flip Flop Initiative
Attention! Needed! Presbyterian Women are collecting flip flops…lots of them…for ROOT International Mission. Please begin collecting flip flops now and PW will be sure to get them where they are needed. Any questions, please see a PW member.
ROOT International works to meet the needs of smaller, lesser-known organizations, helping them in the areas of benevolence, (food, clothing, household items), education, (school supplies, computers, Christian material), and information (networking between entities, providing contact numbers and information to aid their organization). Like a ROOT nourishes a plant, we reach out to nourish and support churches, ministries, and other entities.
Attention! Needed! Presbyterian Women are collecting flip flops…lots of them…for ROOT International Mission. Please begin collecting flip flops now and PW will be sure to get them where they are needed. Any questions, please see a PW member.
ROOT International works to meet the needs of smaller, lesser-known organizations, helping them in the areas of benevolence, (food, clothing, household items), education, (school supplies, computers, Christian material), and information (networking between entities, providing contact numbers and information to aid their organization). Like a ROOT nourishes a plant, we reach out to nourish and support churches, ministries, and other entities.
Thank you to the Presbyterian Women from the residents at Sugar Creek Station. Many of the residents have expressed thanks and appreciation for the Birthday Party and the 'goody' bags.
Pauline Moore Stepping Down
Pauline Moore has worked tirelessly in organizing the Presbyterian Women in the work of charity and fellowship. Her determination, strength, and commitment to Christ has left its mark on the PW and on the lives of those the group has touched. After many long and productive years as moderator, Pauline has decided to retire. While she may no longer be active in leadership, the echoes of her faithful service will continue to reverberate. Please thank her for all she has done for the Presbyterian Women. There will never be another Pauline. Her contributions will be missed.
June 2014
Presbyterian Women will gather in the parlor at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 17 for an indoor picnic. Lydia and Nancy will be hostesses. Just bring a friend and a picnic type ‘dish’ to share. Beverages and table service will be provided.
Avis will lead devotions and we look forward to a special program.
This brings our programs for the year to a close. Please prayerfully consider our future together and bring program and activity ideas to help officers in their planning for the new season to begin in September.
Thank you for all of your donations for Mattress for Congo, Africa. We collected enough money ($825) replace 15 unsanitary, worn out mattresses in a hospital somewhere in the Congo.
Pauline Moore has worked tirelessly in organizing the Presbyterian Women in the work of charity and fellowship. Her determination, strength, and commitment to Christ has left its mark on the PW and on the lives of those the group has touched. After many long and productive years as moderator, Pauline has decided to retire. While she may no longer be active in leadership, the echoes of her faithful service will continue to reverberate. Please thank her for all she has done for the Presbyterian Women. There will never be another Pauline. Her contributions will be missed.
June 2014
Presbyterian Women will gather in the parlor at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 17 for an indoor picnic. Lydia and Nancy will be hostesses. Just bring a friend and a picnic type ‘dish’ to share. Beverages and table service will be provided.
Avis will lead devotions and we look forward to a special program.
This brings our programs for the year to a close. Please prayerfully consider our future together and bring program and activity ideas to help officers in their planning for the new season to begin in September.
Thank you for all of your donations for Mattress for Congo, Africa. We collected enough money ($825) replace 15 unsanitary, worn out mattresses in a hospital somewhere in the Congo.